Monday, October 13, 2014

Coming Soon in 2014: Lill and Mewe Journey to the Ocean of Runa

Coming soon to global bookshelves from JLB Creatives Publishing, book two of the Lill and Mewe Series by science faction author Jean E. Lane.

About Lill and Mewe Journey to the Ocean of Runa  
 Book two of the Lill and Mewe series
Children of all ages will enjoy the sci-fi adventure Lill and Mewe Journey to the Ocean of Runa. The year is Mars Mission Space Center has established a cadet program. Both Lill and her brother, Merak, are accepted. Merak’s mission sets off with the science team to explore Neptune and one of its moons, Triton. Merak sees something very unusual on Neptune, but no one believes him!
2456MD, Martian time.

The rumors about “Runa,” the guardian of Mars, become more of a reality to Lill as she makes the journey to the Ocean of Runa alone. Lill learns that Runa means, “That which is hidden.” Meanwhile, Mewe, a water cat with webbed feet, is concerned for Lill’s safety and follows her to the ocean. While swimming out too far and too deep, they encounter the dreaded Wicky fish, coming right at them! This can’t be good. Lill’s mission encounters a major problem that the Martians must resolve before they can start their trek to planet Zanda in the Andromeda Galaxy. The trip will take them too long to get there, so they must find a solution. What happens next in this galactic fantasy?

What is science faction? 
Science faction is a blend of science fiction with scientific facts giving readers of all ages a unique reading and learning experience. Science faction is great for readers at home or for the classroom and school libraries. 

Author Jane E Lane
Jean grew up in the once active steel town of Youngstown, Ohio. Since then, she has moved to the Orlando, Florida area and considers this her home. Shortly afterwards, she met and later married her husband Ken; now they have a home just northwest of Orlando.

She studied Journalism at Writers Institute and Finance at Penn State. Most of her life included working in Accounting and Purchasing. Although she liked working with numbers, she knew she had an aptitude for writing at an early age. Jean had poems published in Seacoast Life Magazine, Wide Open Magazine, and was a poetic contributor to The Copy Desk Flash, a school newspaper. Later she signed a contract with Creative Directions as a free-lance writer of verse for greeting cards.

It was her love of science and science fiction that prompted her to write her first children’s novel, “Lill and Mewe and the Secrets of Mars”, the first of her series. Her inspiration came with the birth of her niece Lily and shortly afterwards a nephew, Andrew. As with all children, she wanted them to enjoy readingand there’s nothing like a good adventure.

Where to find Jean on the web!

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