Hello fans - welcome to the JLB Creatives Publishing's Blog. We're glad you stopped by.
Last week was a busy one, and from now until the end of October we don't foresee it slowing down.
Our first event last week was our home schooling presentation regarding Journey to
Publication Writing Program Curriculum. The event was designed to introduce home schooling individuals and groups to our remarkable curriculum and how this fantastic writing program works, including the best part...someone is published for no charge with the purchase of each curriculum! It doesn't get any better than that. For more information regarding who else (and there are many) this outstanding writing program is suitable for we invite you to visit Journey to Publication
The second event came quick...Lake Collect-A-Con. JLB Creatives Publishing's CEO and her husband are "makers" (artists) of opulent steampunk and other type "punk" items; hence, the name of their art line, "BeaslePunk." To see some awesome photos we invite you to visit (and Like if you already haven't) BeaslePunk on Facebook at http://www.Facebook.com/BeaslePunk In her spare time, when she's not working with the awesome authors of JLB Creatives Publishing, Janet is designing, creating, and crafting.
210 East Main Street
Pickford, MI 49774
(906) 647-1288 Ask for Ann Marie Library Manager
Then comes October 17 - 18. The Renninger's Steampunk and Industrial Show will kick off and the BeaslePunk Cosplay Armory will be there with not only their cosplay guns, and Codger Works Jewelry, they'll be adding hats and masks to the inventory. And to cap it all off JLB Creatives Publishing will have selected author's books for sale along with Journey to Publication Writing Program Curriculum!
That's it for now - but trust us, there's even more in the works!
Until next time...stay casual, live life to the fullest, and have a piece of chocolate for us!